MSDI Research Seminar Series 2020

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Modelling transitions has been part and parcel of the research into socio-technical and socio-economic transitions.

In this talk, the editors of the recent Routledge volume entitled “Modelling Transitions: Virtues, Vices, Visions of the Future”, will critically examine what modelling of transformative change means and could mean for transitions research and other disciplines that study societal change. Modelling is understood in a broad sense, including computational, formal, and data-driven approaches to analysing understanding historical, ongoing, and future transition pathways. Far from only singing praise, this talk will discuss methodological and philosophical issues and will showcase examples of successful applications. This will speak to modellers and non-modellers alike who value the development of robust knowledge on transitions to sustainability.


Thursday, 18 June, 2020
12.00pm – 1.00pm

Via Zoom only

Zoom link: